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Kubernetes Ingress Controller Fake Certificate about to expire in Rancher Kubernetes cluster

Published on August 14th 2023

When using SUSE Rancher as Kubernetes deployment method (RKE), the Rancher "local" cluster runs the Rancher management API and UI. By default the incoming http/https connection is received by the Ingress (Nginx).

Ingress handling incoming traffic

There are a couple of ways how to setup Rancher Kubernetes. You could deploy real certificates or use Let's Encrypt certificates directly on the Ingress service but in our setups we usually run a reverse proxy for additional security in front of any Kubernetes Ingress. We therefore keep the default certificate setting during the RKE run, which lets Rancher create and handle (internal) certificates.

Kubernetes cluster with TLS certificates on reverse proxy

As the communication between reverse proxy and Kubernetes nodes uses encrypted http (https), this means a TLS certificate is in use inside the Ingress pods running Nginx.

Monitoring internal certificates of Ingress (Nginx)

The internal certificates can easily be monitored by using a simple HTTPS connection (on default port tcp/443) to the Kubernetes nodes. The default TLS certificate will show up. With the monitoring plugins check_http (using -C flag) or check_ssl_cert, the certificate check can be added to your monitoring.

After a couple of months of running your (monitored) Kubernetes cluster, you might receive an alert, that the internal certificate (Kubernetes Ingress Controller Fake Certificate), used by the Nginx Ingress pods, is about to expire:

Kubernetes Ingress Controller Fake Certificate expiry warning

Renew (forced re-create) Ingress certificate

The certificates are created upon the first start of the Ingress Nginx pod and the same certificate is kept. There is no automatic renewal or certificate rotation (as we know it from the Kubernetes API certificates).

To renew the certificate about to expire, we first identify the Ingress Nginx pods running inside the ingress-nginx namespace:

ck@mint ~ $ kubectl -n ingress-nginx get pod
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default-http-backend-6977475d9b-zdjhl   1/1     Running   5          630d
nginx-ingress-controller-95gzb          1/1     Running   0          198d
nginx-ingress-controller-gv5j7          1/1     Running   5          630d
nginx-ingress-controller-pkqtm          1/1     Running   0          46d

To find out which pod runs on which node, use the -o wide flag:

ck@mint ~ $ kubectl -n ingress-nginx get pod -o wide
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP            NODE          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
default-http-backend-6977475d9b-zdjhl   1/1     Running   5          630d     <none>           <none>
nginx-ingress-controller-95gzb          1/1     Running   0          198d   <none>           <none>
nginx-ingress-controller-gv5j7          1/1     Running   5          630d     <none>           <none>
nginx-ingress-controller-pkqtm          1/1     Running   0          46d   <none>           <none>

From the monitoring screenshot above, we know that the certificate is about to expire on the Ingress running on node onl-ran02-p, which has the internal IP

Delete the pod in question (nginx-ingress-controller-gv5j7):

ck@mint ~ $ kubectl delete pod nginx-ingress-controller-gv5j7 -n ingress-nginx

Kubernetes will create a new pod, which can be seen after a few seconds:

ck@mint ~ $ kubectl -n ingress-nginx get pod
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default-http-backend-6977475d9b-zdjhl   1/1     Running   5          630d
nginx-ingress-controller-95gzb          1/1     Running   0          198d
nginx-ingress-controller-pkqtm          1/1     Running   0          46d
nginx-ingress-controller-wbdmt          0/1     Running   0          6s

By following the logs of this newly created pod, we can see that the TLS certificates are created from scratch (using default certificate):

ck@mint ~ $ kubectl logs nginx-ingress-controller-wbdmt  -n ingress-nginx | egrep -i certificate
I0814 09:18:07.126070       8 main.go:105] "SSL fake certificate created" file="/etc/ingress-controller/ssl/default-fake-certificate.pem"

A few seconds later, monitoring turned green again:

Kubernetes Ingress Controller Fake Certificate in monitoring

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